A letter to my long lost friends,
Alright… Its been far too long since ive updated you on my life’s journey in the Peace Corps…
Lets back it up a bit… to May 16th
Tico 18 and I completed our 3 months of extensive training and officially took on the title of Peace Corps Volunteer. A day we spent in
After the ceremony I had one full day left to soak in my beautiful Tico Family and our time we had left. I packed my things, and I set out for my new life. I can’t exactly explain my sentiments at the time… I was perfectly content in Rio Conejo, would not have been upset if it had been my site for the next two years, and unsure why God had me set in this lifestyle where I always seemed to be loosing, by means of leaving, what are beautiful people. A life that could have been is always taken from me. Estoy siempre dejando una vida o otra en un lugar, perdiendo pedacitos de mi Corazon.
So I packed the car with my life (well… lets be real, my Papito Lalo packed the car with my bags, as my muscles couldnt so much as lift them an inch.) Also due to my excessively heavy maletas my beautiful family offered to make my transition lighter by driving me 4 hours to my Site in Limón, rather than me taking 3 buses alone with what we will again call mi vida.
To embark upon this journey, was not exactly something I had been looking forward to… truth be told I was dreading it… hoping for the best, but expecting the worst, life had just been too easy and too good thus far. Not to mention that during training I had the opportunity to visit my Site on the Banana Plantations of the Caribbean Coast for 5 days… and in all honesty I left where I was to spend the next 2 years of my life in “the toughest job you’ll ever love” with a bad taste in my mouth. So riding there in this car full of people that I had deeply grown to love, with the sole objective of dropping me off… didn’t float inside my soul so well… if you will.
Living my dream. Not easy as it once seemed.
My beautiful sisters. Karla. Kimberly. and Jimena.
My Tico Family.
Papito Lalo, Mamita Lili, me, Karla, Kim, Mama Leila, y Jimena.
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